19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

We are a team of driven, talented and experienced programmers and creative minds. Numerous projects at our sister company, Qverty, and hundreds of hours of joint design, development and testing, have shaped our team-spirit and account for our industry experience. Now we are impatiently looking forward to the new world of exciting opportunities to do some magic and make our vision true.


At Mojo we strongly believe in the power of visually compelling and awe-inspiring content, harnessing the best of today’s technology and delivering high quality digital solutions.

Our mission is to create ideas as tangible as possible, and everyday we leverage our creativity to think outside of the box and come up with even better solutions.

  • Visually compelling
  • Awe-inspiring
  • As tangible as possible
  • High quality
Core team
Maciej Buchowski MojoApps CEO


CEO, co-founder

Rafał Business Developer Mojo Apps


CSO, co-founder



CTO, co-founder

Oksana Business Developer (EMEA) Mojo Apps


Business Developer (EMEA)

Damian Lead Developer


Lead Developer

Ewa Lead UI/UX Designer Mojo Apps


Lead UI/UX Designer

Artur Lead 3D Artist Mojo Apps


Lead 3D Artist

Sebastian VR & AR Developer Mojo Apps


VR & AR Developer

Paweł VR & AR Developer


VR & AR Developer

Marina Copywriter MOjo apps



And several interdisciplinary teams
available to work on your project
Mojo Apps is
an official partner of
We are an expert in

Media about us
maciej buchowski MojoApps
Maciej Buchowski
Klienci chcą czegoś więcej niż tylko aplikacji, oczekują niesamowitych, innowacyjnych rozwiązań, które pomagają im rozwijać biznes. Naszą rolą jest dostarczanie takich rozwiązań.
Why AR and VR?

According to BI Intelligence, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are expected to develop fast as worldwide AR/VR spending is anticipated to rise by no less than 100% in four years.

Spending on AR/VR products and services will grow annually at a rate of 113% to reach $215B by 2021, starting from just $11B in 2017. The largest companies such as Apple, Google, and Facebook are already planning major longtime investments in these technologies.

Technology experts and enthusiasts agree that Augmented and Virtual Reality is the next big revolution in the world of technology and it is going to be as great, or even greater than the revolution initiated by the Internet. With hardware prices falling down, VR headsets, goggles and AR compatible devices are becoming more affordable and more widespread. AR and VR have a far greater potential than entertainment purposes only, with infinite possible applications in such industries like real estate, digital marketing and many other.

The above facts give substantial reasons to start investing in AR and VR today. At our company, we strive to make sure that the service we deliver is not just a complete high quality service, but also an innovative solution that can assure return on investment for our clients.

Projected AR/VR Market Growth (Global spending in billions USD)
  • AR
  • VR
The right team for your project
we love what we do