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Virtual Reality – A Revolution in Entertainment

VR entertainment is an experience in which a person is transferred into a three-dimensional space and can not only walk while watching movies recorded in 360 degrees, but also make advanced interactions with the environment. The extraordinary feeling of being transferred to another, artificially created reality, is the essence of VR. What are the advantages of this kind of VR entertainment?
Unforgettable experiences and a new way to engage the users, to say the least. However, the experience alone is very difficult to describe in words. It is much easier to just give examples of the use of Virtual Reality by various institutions …

1. Virtual Museum

State-of-the-art technologies began to appear in museums a couple of years ago in the form of interactive touch screens and whiteboards. This technology particularly appeals to the younger generation, accustomed to this form of data presentation, as children and young people are often not interested in visiting ordinary museums and exhibitions. By using interactive technologies such as Virtual Reality we can change the way youth perceive museums and thus open these institutions to new audiences. This is a great way to change the form in which history and exhibits are presented, in places of cultural heritage such as museums, and to encourage more people to visit those institutions.

2. Art Gallery

People have always been dreaming about the possibility of making their visions true in the most accurate and engaging way. That is how the first images, graphics, films, and architectural concepts were created. There is already a way to completely transfer a person into any space devised from scratch by artists and graphic designers, it is VR. With this technology, you no longer have to imagine how the characters from the painting feel or behave, and how the landscapes look like in 3D, as you can actually transfer yourself to these places or situations, and experience them to the full extent. We invite you to experience one of the most famous paintings in the history of art.

3. Theatre

Virtual Reality stimulates the brain of the users in the simplest way, making them even greater engaged in the action being played. Theatres seem to have a similar goal. So why not combine these 2 kinds of entertainment and create a perfect experience with amazing storytelling and more engaged audience? Below you can see an example of how this might look like.

4. Experience Music with VR

It is obvious that music is often even more important than picture. The combination of 360 video and music creates an extraordinary experience, especially when we are able to see our idol face to face.
Although there is nothing better than taking part in a real musical event, a virtual concert can still be an interesting and unforgettable experience, especially when our favorite band is not planning to perform in our country.

5. The Future of Virtual Reality

What could be the future of virtual reality? We are sure that this technology will be known on a wider scale and used in practically every home. People will no longer just watch movies, listen to concerts or play games, but instead they will actually transfer themselves to these realities …
VR can also take over many industries we did not know before. However, VR technology will surely make a real revolution in one of the most profitable industries – the entertainment industry.


Discover the new form of entertainment by playing our latest VR production, the Gravity Tunnel, soon available on Steam.