360 degree
Video 360°
The 360-degree video is a VR format that lets you get video with a spherical view: up, down, left, right and back. This is one of key video trends. To get this versatile view, we use special 360 cameras or a set of cameras.
The most important feature of 360 video is that in using the right camera everyone is able to record space in VR 360 format and make it available on the Internet. For more advanced business purposes, recordings of 360 real rooms are extended with additional 3D content. 360 video gives you the opportunity to feel like you are in a different place without leaving your home.
benefits of using 360 video:

Innovative and attractive form vs traditional methods of space presentations

and high

A large space for product demonstration compared to traditional photos or video.
Market trends for VR and 360 video
VR technology and 360-degree films have become the main technological trend this year. The use of virtual reality for advertising purposes has caused the advertisement to be moved to a different plane – literally and figuratively. And at the same time, the idea of advertising in the consumer’s mind turned upside down. The effectiveness of this format is already much higher than with conventional films. This means that the traditional consumption of video advertising content on the Internet (and ordinary movies) will eventually give way to the 360 video format and virtual reality.
360-degree video ads enable the use of content that not only focuses on visual perception but is also largely interactive. In order to increase the conversion rate of consumers using 360 videos, our team of experts will find a balance between the entertainment part and the information components in the video content.
360 video applications
360 technology is very well used in employee training. This is done by adding various functions. The interactive layer overlays the video, and the user can interact with it in different ways. Thus, it is possible to make decisions and perform practical tasks.
Employee training saves time, money and it is scalable. The most important thing is that such knowledge is perceived by an employee much better and more efficiently.
Virtual 360° video for employee training enables:
- Interaction and self-decision making
- Checking employees’ knowledge
- Performing practical tasks
- Receipt of current and immediate feedback like in a computer game
Examples of using 360 Video:

and presentations



and product presentations

360 Live

See our portfolio
Examples of using 360 Video:
TOYOTA Factory tour
Toyota created the 360° tour to give viewers the opportunity to be in the middle of the action. Feel like a factory worker and watch every step of the production process. From the perspective of the element on the conveyor belt, we can see the stages of production of a forklift. We can view the entire factory by turning around and familiarizing ourselves with the company’s standards.
Visit the White House
Check out a historic visit to President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama’s White House. It is a good example how you can show viewers any architectural forms and give them feel as they are guest of your house, room or your exhibition center.
Visit the White House
Check out a historic visit to President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama’s White House. It is a good example how you can show viewers any architectural forms and give them feel as they are guest of your house, room or your exhibition center.
aircraft carrier Training
Step aboard the USS Eisenhower during the biggest combat training in recent Navy history. Experience jet launches, landings, high-stakes drills and landings and exercises aboard an aircraft carrier in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
NASA astronaut training
A 360-degree immersive virtual reality (Virtual Reality) viewing experience, featuring exclusive astronaut training footage from NASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (NBL) in Houston, Texas. The stunning NASA VR/360 video offers a variety of perspectives – in the pool and out – as astronauts complete space-walk training for future missions to the International Space Station (ISS).
NASA astronaut training
A 360-degree immersive virtual reality (Virtual Reality) viewing experience, featuring exclusive astronaut training footage from NASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (NBL) in Houston, Texas. The stunning NASA VR/360 video offers a variety of perspectives – in the pool and out – as astronauts complete space-walk training for future missions to the International Space Station (ISS).

Do you like an augmented and virtual reality? Do you want to develop your skills in innovative technologies? We have several positions available for you:

Do you like an augmented and virtual reality? Do you want to develop your skills in innovative technologies? We have several positions available for you: