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People wearing old times VR googles

How will VR and AR technology change the industry?

VR technology (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) is increasingly present in business. In the mentioned posts, we gave examples in which we can come into contact with it. However, is this technological innovation on the market? Since when are VR and AR devices known to us? How will industry and business change in the future with virtual or augmented reality?

You would think that VR or AR are technological innovations that have changed the IT and other markets. But, is it really new?
We can already find the first mentions and samples of creating something on the basis of virtual and augmented reality in 1965, but work on them (in the form we have now) only started in the 90s by VPL Research. The 21st century was a great shock for the market, which was a breakthrough for the commercial approach to VR and AR equipment.

In an earlier post we mentioned that today you can see the use of VR or AR in such departments as logistics, chemistry and even aviation. Virtual technology allows employees’ trainings to be carried out in complete safety and contribute to lower training costs.

Most examples apply to foreign companies, and how does it look with us? Recently during the discussion panel Anna Tryfon-Bojarska dealing with innovations and technology in Skaska Poland talked about the usefulness of virtual technology in construction, as she said: ‘(…) I fell in love with it so much that today I am trying to prepare some business cases in based on it and implement it (…)’ .

The future of VR is perfectly noticeable
in the construction industry

The whole plan of the building can be shown through the goggles, it also allows for a very accurate and insightful analysis of the construction plans. The construction industry is a dangerous sector, and visualization can allow it to develop and help with the location of heavy machines on the square previously checked by VR.

Prototyping in virtual reality gives great possibilities and increases the chances of eliminating previously found errors and significantly reduces the risk of defects in the future.

Car giants interested in virtual reality?

People configurating a blue sport car using Virtual reality googles

There is much talk about safety during training through virtual reality glasses. Which industry must check the failure rate of their equipment? Automotive industry.
The motoring giants asked for the use of modernity responded very confidently that the VR and AR technology is very useful.

Companies using VR and AR:

  • Ford
  • BMW
  • Mercedes
  • Tesla
  • and many more

Not so old!

At one time, BMW brags that they no longer build real, fully real models of its machines, but only visualize their prototype in the virtual world. In the BMW headquarters in Munich, have been created special ‘VR-Rooms’, which serve as a simulation of travel by their latest vehicles.
Ford decided that the interiors of their cars could be viewed at the prototype level thanks to VR glasses.

VR and AR are, contrary to appearances, very young technologies that are still developing. Many industries do not use their full potential. There are still many changes and new applications waiting for us, we hope breakthroughs for the mentiotned areas.