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Various 3d AR models furniture shown on different devices

3D models – and their usefulness in business

3D models are mainly associated with computer games and the film industry. And what is their other use? What exactly are 3D models? Is purchasing them a one-off purchase, or can you use them several times? Here are some examples where we can use them.

3D model – what exactly is it? Will it be useful to me?

It is nothing but the visualization of a three-dimensional object. Creating an object such as a car in special editors. Today, technology allows us not only to create objects from scratch, but also to use three-dimensional scanners, which will bring the chosen thing to the virtual world. The text raises whether 3D models are a one-off purchase, or can something more be done with them? They are very useful and sometimes one model is used for various activities.

Websites are something more today!

Websites are associated with certain schemes. We have a company logo, tabs appropriate for the section we are looking for, and often animations involving moving us quickly to the desired location. Where can the 3D model we have purchased be used for? 3D models can be purchased as “ready” on many websites that deal with such services. Very often we have the opportunity to see our facility in the so-called “Live 3D View” to check it from every side.

This adds a kind of modernity and usability to the website.

Men sitting in room full of AR 3d models butterflies

(source: inition.co.uk)

The world of media – YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, TV and many more.

VR technology could not do without usefulness on the most popular entertainment channels on TV and the Internet. On the popular YouTube you can watch some movies with VR glasses. Very often they are video, thanks to which we can check what virtual reality technology really is through various types of roller coasters, flights or horror films.

Spherical films, i.e. “360 °”. For these videos, having VR glasses or AR is not a necessity, but only as in the “Live 3D view”. 3D models can be used for such movies or advertisements on various social networks like “Twitter, Facebook, etc.” A great example are the advertisements that we see on TV, objects are very often 3D models there.

What about leaflets, posters? Sure!

When we talk about 3D models, we have an object built on the basis of something from our real world. As you know, on a piece of paper hard to give a 3D effect and what then with the purchased model, can not we use it in creating, for example, leaflets? You can! If you have a 3D object, at the same time you also have its pictures and graphics just in 2D and it is in a really great quality. Images and photos can be used, for example, to create advertising materials.

VR and AR applications – The perfect place for 3D models.

Virtual and augmented reality is becoming more and more common, but it still makes a huge impression on clients. That is why so many companies decide to show their products or business plans through glasses or goggles. Instead of producing a car prototype and showing it to customers, you can invest in visualizing the product.

3D Model of futuristic car in garage

(source: sketchfab.com)

AR applications – Thanks to popularity of smartphones, you can use the built-in camera in the device, which will be able to show us the details of the product standing in front of it. Instead of explaining to the customer every detail, for example, furniture in the store, at his own pace and with his eyes, he can check every piece of furniture by getting accurate information thanks to the application.The automotive companies mentioned in the previous post have been making their cars available in such presentations for some time.

VR applications – Goggles give a specific type of immersion. Visualization of a room, building or hall seen through our eyes fully in the virtual world. A perfect example of this are the so-called “Showrooms”. The client is able to see the visualization of the place which he wants. 3D models are perfect here as objects in a realistically non-existent place.

Our 3D model has been purchased and used in many areas. And is there a chance that it suddenly finds in our hands? It is easy if we are in possession of the mentioned 3D printer. We send file with our object and print it as a real three-dimensional object.

The use of the printed 3D model is increasingly used in the creation of architectural mock-ups and even buildings.

The 3D model is not a one-off purchase. You can use it many times and in many areas. We place it depends on our ingenuity.