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AR as a new form of product presentation

Imagine that you are attending a presentation, and you are waiting for another company to present their products and services. However, instead of distributing brochures, a sales representative shows a three-dimensional product model, which can be moved, rotated and enlarged. During the presentation, the salesman can point out all of its features and demonstrate it as though it was a real product. A scenario, such as this is possible thanks to using AR as an attractive form for product presentation.

In the sales process, the difference between what the consumer expected and reality is often a serious problem. Sometimes, customers feel as if though they have ordered one thing, but received another. This kind of situation can lead to lower customer satisfaction and more frequent returns.
Fortunately, AR can take this sales element to a higher level. As AR provides the ability to see, hear and interact with the product, which creates great immersion and helps customers with their purchasing decisions.

How can AR be used to engage customers and present an attractive offer?

Company trade show

It is impossible to take all products with you for an event, especially if your company belongs to furniture or automotive industry. Additionally, due to their size and having a wide range of products, you cannot present everything that you would like to show to your customers. However, thanks to the augmented reality application, you can demonstrate any product and its additional features. Potential customers can see exactly what your company offers.

Product demo

It is worth using AR to show the functionality of the service. For example, a company dealing with the sale and installation of windows can show the customer how their windows will look like in a specific place. How can it be achieved? It is enough to drag a window where you want to install it using a suitable application and a phone or tablet. In this way, customers have a visual representation of how their product will look like in reality.

Presentation of the product range in online shops

The augmented reality application can enable the buyer to better check the product before buying it online. For example, with the AR application, the user can see how the furniture will fit into the entire room layout, try on clothes or check if it is the appropriate lipstick colour.

Practical examples of AR in product presentations

The above proposals realistically apply, as evidenced by the realizations for our customers:


Selsey is a furniture and home Furnishings Company. Its assortment includes over 30,000 products. How can you decide which one will best suit the interior design of a room?
For this purpose, we have developed an application that can move and position the displayed items in any way that you need. Also, the application is integrated with the online store itself so that the user can make a purchase quickly.

AKUKU augmented Reality AR MojoApps


Is it possible to promote a brand with the AR application? Absolutely. The application for mobile devices created by us allows children to play with the 3D hologram of Akuk character. In the application, there are available mini-games related to the animated character itself. The applications have been downloaded over 10,000 times.

Interactive 3D catalogue

Thanks to AR you can attractively present your assortment. Our application for Colian Group allows sales representatives to present products from the catalogue in 3D models. The application also displays the most important information related to the products. In this form, you can include more information than on a typical paper document, and the interaction itself is on a completely different level.

VR and AR are, contrary to appearances, very young technologies that are still developing. Many industries do not use their full potential. There are still many changes and new applications waiting for us, we hope breakthroughs for the mentiotned areas.

3 phones with interactive AR catalogue app

How to prepare for the creation of AR applications promoting products and services?

To make sure you can benefit from such a project, follow these tips:

  • Try a product demo at AR with several customers and see how they will react. Appropriate feedback will give you a lot of important information and tips.
  • Make sure that your products can be scanned.
  • Think about how you can encourage the use of your application. Maybe you can offer discounts on certain products – in this way you will reduce fears and uncertainty about using something completely new.
  • Remember that the execution of AR application often requires objects in 3D. Take care to make them and include them in the cost of the whole project.


As you can see, the AR application is a great choice if you want to improve your product presentations or the attractiveness of your company’s stand during the trade show. You will also benefit from implementing this technology in processes related to online sales and brand building.
Take advantage of these solutions – you will surely stand out from the competition and increase your profits.