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AR in the Furniture Industry

AR applications enable product visualisation in every space. Thanks to their simplicity and user-friendliness, these tools make it easier for customers to make purchasing decisions. Finally, AR apps shape the image of a modern brand, which directly translates into increased sales.

Display furniture anywhere

AR applications allow its users to display (using a smartphone or tablet) and virtually ‘place’ chosen elements from a given furniture collection.

The most popular example of such an application is IKEA Places:


Room Remix is another great application, similar to the one mentioned above:

It’s worth mentioning that with these solutions users can not only see the object in front of them, but also go round the piece of furniture and view it from behind.

There is also another  solution, equally valued by companies from the furniture industry. It is an AR application that allows users to apply 2D models / photos of a given piece of furniture to the surrounding environment.

Watch the video presentation of the Homebook app:

It is always possible to expand Augmented Reality applications adding many useful features such as a wishlist and a shopping list.