Virtual reality LEARNING IN HR
Virtual reality in human resources department is a great tool for onboarding, employee training, office/product virtual showroom or VR assessment center. Our company helps adopt virtual reality technology to innovative companies.
How do you present your office to candidates? How do you promote your products and services to your employees? Gorgeous photos, similar to previous offer and similar to the one they see in other offices? Nowadays it doesn’t surprise anyone, no matter how beautiful the photos are. But a virtual showroom showing an office tour, or product/services virtual showroom is a completely different thing that shows all your advantages in the literal sense from all sides.
You need to choose employees remotely as inviting candidates to the office is inconvenient, and chatting on Skype is unreliable. Then VR trainings systems technology for HR department comes to the rescue, which allows evaluating the reaction of applicants to questions, assessment of real-time exercises, facial expressions, gestures, etc.
Recruiters observe how the candidate solves problems in virtual reality HR simulations and difficulties in digital experiences. With the spread of VR training software, companies will be able to do learning and evaluation process without business trips and conduct interactive interviews from anywhere in the world.
You need to choose employees remotely as inviting candidates to the office is inconvenient, and chatting on Skype is unreliable. Then VR trainings systems technology for HR department comes to the rescue, which allows evaluating the reaction of applicants to questions, assessment of real-time exercises, facial expressions, gestures, etc.
Recruiters observe how the candidate solves problems in virtual reality HR simulations and difficulties in digital experiences. With the spread of VR training software, companies will be able to do learning and evaluation process without business trips and conduct interactive interviews from anywhere in the world.
New employees should be introduced to the team – nowe the can do this by VR meetings. Productivity is achieved when all team members collaborate with each other. It is not enough to add newcomers to the general chat and with the help of VR, an employee can visit the CEO’s office, inspect the production, greet each colleague and follow all the processes in the company – all of these in one day thanks to VR technology. Moreover, virtual reality training systems for HR may be fully automated and scalable, thus it is very cost-effective.
Virtual reality can also be used for team building, for example, arranging a virtual corporate event or a team trip to another country right at the workplace by using VR collaboration tool from Mojo XR platform.
The assessment center process is often used in the selection of applicants. At the same time, it includes situational questions or case interviews, when the applicant is offered, for example, to sell a violet hat for a big expense. Virtual reality brings assessment conditions closer to real situations by almost in 100%. The applicant puts on VR headset and he is in VR assessment center identical to the real one and moreover, it is interactive and measurable. In our case – behind the real counter in front of a potential buyer. In this case, the applicant is evaluated not by a human, but by an artificial intelligence system.
The assessment center process is often used in the selection of applicants. At the same time, it includes situational questions or case interviews, when the applicant is offered, for example, to sell a violet hat for a big expense. Virtual reality brings assessment conditions closer to real situations by almost in 100%. The applicant puts on VR headset and he is in VR assessment center identical to the real one and moreover, it is interactive and measurable. In our case – behind the real counter in front of a potential buyer. In this case, the applicant is evaluated not by a human, but by an artificial intelligence system.
Virtual reality interviews will become an everyday part of the recruitment process. Candidates can expand the geography of resume submissions and save a lot of costs on business trips. Virtual reality job trade fairs and VR open days allow HR specialists to contact interested candidates all over the world and conduct interviews without leaving the office.
Inspiring IKEA co-workers around the world through virtual reality and 360 degrees videos.
Applications can have interesting tasks and many interactive elements that will attract a new employee.
Virtual office which will help to assimilate in the new environment

Do you like an augmented and virtual reality? Do you want to develop your skills in innovative technologies? We have several positions available for you:

Do you like an augmented and virtual reality? Do you want to develop your skills in innovative technologies? We have several positions available for you: