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Real Estate
in VR


Virtual Reality improves Real Estate Industry

When the question of the use of virtual reality in business comes up, the real-estate market is mentioned as one of the first. Developers noticed that using VR affect the client’s decision to purchase an apartment.
It is important to remember that the majority of clients buy real estate rarely, 1-2 times in their life, and this is a very painful process for them due to mistrust of the real estate market. Therefore, the developer needs to show that its real estates are the best, not just one of the best. It is necessary to prove this by deed. And take my word for it, the client, first of all, appreciates not the thickness of the walls and the meticulousness of the contract, but the quality of service.


green smartphone with label 360 degres

Simple solutions to mobile virtual reality;

The VR tour, packaged in a mobile app, is shown to customers in the company’s sales office along with the rest of the marketing materials.

violet people communication icon

Stands in offices sales/showrooms;

Showing fresh projects right on the stand, developers distribute virtual reality glasses to visitors and provide a link to install a mobile application with a VR tour.

orange house icon

VR integration in a real apartment.

Being in a real apartment and standing in an empty room you can put on VR glasses and check your future design with an opportunity independently move on it, and not with the help of controllers.


The project can be made also for a company image or integrated into the sales scenario, which means a certain set of functionalities within the user receives the information necessary for making a purchasing decision.

If the user would like to use the body tracking and motion controllers to have much more opportunities to interact with the interactive three-dimensional environment, it is possible because VR gives the developers an incredible tool to creating a deep immersion and a fascinating journey for their clients.

As with any demonstration solutions, it is more profitable to implement 3D and VR technologies at the beginning of sales – in such a scenario, they will be able to squeeze the maximum.

The presence of such technology, of course, produces a wow effect, it becomes a good informational occasion, which is passed on to friends and acquaintances.

Companies and their customers are curious what digital technologies can offer them. And today no one doubts that technology will penetrate into every area of business deeper and deeper every year.

See our portfolio



Transfer yourself to our Virtual Apartment. Walk around, touch and arrange the furniture. Discover the potential of VR in the real estate industry. Today you no longer have to physically visit the places you consider buying. Instead, you can take a virtual stroll inside of them, learning the room layout, seeing the furniture and admiring the view from the window.
Go through the virtual house model on a real scale. In such applications, you have an opportunity to see, evaluate and compare several different planning decisions, and above all, precisely select the best of them, based not on guesses but on real dimensions.


We created an architectural visualization in 3D of three residential buildings together with the nearest surroundings: garden, streets, small decorative elements. 3D visualization can improve the sales process of buildings that are currently in the early construction phase.
Thanks to 3D, you give yourself and your clients the opportunity to see the building as it will look in reality, even though the buildings are not built yet or are in the early construction phase.


We created an architectural visualization in 3D of three residential buildings together with the nearest surroundings: garden, streets, small decorative elements. 3D visualization can improve the sales process of buildings that are currently in the early construction phase.
Thanks to 3D, you give yourself and your clients the opportunity to see the building as it will look in reality, even though the buildings are not built yet or are in the early construction phase.

Contact us
Have an idea? Let’s build it together. Write an email to hello@mojoapps.co.
Open Vacancies

Do you like an augmented and virtual reality? Do you want to develop your skills in innovative technologies? We have several positions available for you:

    Scope of interests

    Augmented RealityVirtual Reality3D360 video

    Contact us
    Have an idea? Let’s build it together. Write an email to hello@mojoapps.co.

      Scope of interests

      Augmented RealityVirtual Reality3D360 video

      Open Vacancies

      Do you like an augmented and virtual reality? Do you want to develop your skills in innovative technologies? We have several positions available for you: